E-Learning platform for IP courses at basic and advanced levels in up to seven languages
Since 1999, we have been offering distance learning courses, covering all aspects of intellectual property (IP), to both professionals and those new to the field.
We are the only institution offering online IP courses in up to seven languages.
Interaction between our students and faculty of renowned academics from universities worldwide, takes place online through forums and e-mail.
Anmeldung Termine:
Kurs Termine:
The Continuing Judicial Education on Intellectual Property (IP) Program is a methodological academic offering by the WIPO Academy on IP, designed by judges for judges and other members of the judiciary.
The Continuing Judicial Education on Intellectual Property (IP) Program has been developed to enhance the capacity of judicial training institutions to deliver customized continuing education programs on IP, and to build the capacity and skills of judges for adjudicating efficiently IP disputes.
Specialized IP skills-building and trainings for stakeholders from the public and private sector.
Under the Executive Training Program, the Academy offers specialized intellectual property (IP) trainings with renowned partner institutions to enhance the capabilities of government officials, entrepreneurs, innovators, business owners, executives, and other IP professionals seeking to use IP as a tool for growth and development. The specialized trainings help stakeholders to build their professional and business capabilities in the field of IP.
Schulung Termine:
Master Degrees in IP Law and advanced training courses for teachers of IP
This program provides advanced intellectual property (IP) education to graduate students, young university professionals, researchers and government officials and dealing with IP rights. It also provides training opportunities for teachers of IP.
Courses are taught by skilled and experienced faculty members. The focus is on regional and multilateral negotiations and implementation of international conventions, taking into account the wide range in levels of development within which IP systems operate. Teaching methods include lectures, case studies, group discussions, in some cases practical training and distance learning. Participants are given the opportunity for hands-on experience through internships at WIPO, certain regional IP offices, national IP Offices or in private companies.
Short IP courses for senior students and young professionals
The Summer School program provides an opportunity to senior students and young professionals to acquire deeper knowledge of each domain of intellectual property (IP) and of the role and functions of WIPO.
The program consists of lectures, case studies, simulation exercises and group discussions on selected IP topics, with an orientation towards the interface between IP and other disciplines.
A certificate of participation is awarded to participants who successfully complete the program requirements.
Internationale Verband zum Schutz von Pflanzenzüchtungen [UPOV]
Der Internationale Verband zum Schutz von Pflanzenzüchtungen (UPOV) ist eine zwischenstaatliche Organisation mit Sitz in Genf (Schweiz).
UPOV wurde durch das Internationale Übereinkommen zum Schutz von Pflanzenzüchtungen begründet. Das UPOV-Übereinkommen wurde im Jahre 1961 in Paris beschlossen und in den Jahren 1972, 1978 und 1991 überarbeitet.
Aufgabe der UPOV ist die Bereitstellung und Förderung eines wirksamen Sortenschutzsystems mit dem Ziel, die Entwicklung neuer Pflanzensorten zum Nutzen der Gesellschaft zu begünstigen.
Die UPOV-Fernlehrgänge werden vom WIPO eLearning Center (WeLC) betrieben.
Die WIPO-Akademie unterstützt Mitgliedsstaaten bei der Einrichtung von Ausbildungseinrichtungen für geistiges Eigentum (IPTIs).
Die WIPO-Akademie unterstützt die Mitgliedsstaaten bei der Einrichtung und Konsolidierung eigenständiger IP-Schulungseinrichtungen (IPTIs), um den lokalen Bedarf an IP-Wissen zu decken. Zu den Ergebnissen dieser Bemühungen gehört die Entwicklung von IP-Schulungskapazitäten und -ressourcen sowie Netzwerkräumen für IPTIs.
The objective of this program is to provide higher education on IP and development for policy-makers, students and professionals in developing countries
The main objectives of the Funds-in-Trust for Intellectual Property Education of the Republic of Korea (FIT-KREDU, “the Fund”) are as follows:
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