Unser gesamtes Kursportfolio im Bereich des Rechts des geistigen Eigentums wendet sich an verschiedene Zielgruppen: Erfinder und Schöpfer, Betriebswirtschaftler und IP-Fachleute, Entscheidungsträger und Regierungsbeamte im Bereich des Rechts des geistigen Eigentums, Diplomaten, Studenten, Lehrkräfte auf dem Gebiet des geistigen Eigentums und Zivilgesellschaft. Kurse werden im kombinierten Fernkurs / Präsenzunterricht angeboten und konzentrieren sich darauf wie Innovation, Kreativität und Entwicklung gefördert werden können.
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The Academy is the center of excellence for intellectual property (IP) education and training for WIPO member states, in particular developing countries, least-developed countries (LDCs) and countries in transition. The Academy works to help build human capacity in IP, which is essential to innovation.
Under this program, the Academy offers training opportunities for government officials from developing countries, least developed countries (LDCs) and countries with economies in transition in a number of specialized intellectual property (IP) areas.
A certificate of participation is issued to the participants at the end of each training program.
The aim of the University Partnerships Program is to support access to intellectual property (IP) higher education, especially to participants from developing countries, least developed countries (LDCs) and countries with economies in transition.
Since 1999, we have been offering distance learning (DL) courses, covering all aspects of intellectual property (IP), to both professionals and those new to the field. We are the only institution offering online IP courses in up to ten languages.
Interaction between our students and faculty of renowned academics from universities worldwide, takes place online through our discussion forums.
The WIPO Summer Schools provide an opportunity for university students and young professionals to acquire a deeper knowledge of IP, and how it can be used as a tool for sustainable development, as well as the role of WIPO in the administration and the provision of global IP services.
The WIPO Academy has developed a service to help teach creativity and inventiveness through intellectual property (IP) called IP4Youth&Teachers. The service kick-starts teachers and learners on their path to IP education by cultivating dialogue among educators, curricula setters, and IP offices by providing access to teaching and learning content. It is also a hub for sharing experiences, policy documents, business cases, and research on the benefits of early introduction to the role of IP in inventiveness and creativity.
The IP Youth Ambassadors Program is an international awards program that recognizes young, innovative, energetic and creative minds for their substantial contribution to creativity and innovation.
The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Academy launched the IP Youth Ambassadors Program in 2019. It is aimed at young promising creators, inventors, innovators and entrepreneurs to help promote IP knowledge among youths through creativity and inventiveness.
Das Portal für barrierefreie Schulung (ATP) der WIPO-Akademie dient als Plattform für das Konsortium für barrierefreie Bücher (ABC) der WIPO und die barrierefreien Lehrgänge über geistiges Eigentum (IP) der Akademie. Das ATP bietet Lehrgänge an, die so gestaltet sind, dass sie für blinde, sehbehinderte oder anderweitig lesebehinderte Personen zugänglich sind. Die Lehrgänge decken eine Reihe von Themen betreffend geistiges Eigentum (IP) ab und umfassen auch einen Lehrgang über Konzepte für barrierefreies Veröffentlichen, der vom ABC angeboten wird. Die Inhalte des Lehrgangs werden unter Einhaltung von Barrierefreiheitsstandards entwickelt und das ATP stellt eine benutzerfreundliche Webanwendung bereit, mit der sich auch lesebehinderte Personen für die Lehrgänge anmelden können. Außerdem steht ein spezieller Lehrgangsadministrator zur Verfügung, um während des gesamten Lehrgangs Unterstützung anzubieten.
The Judicial Training on Intellectual Property (IP) has been developed to provide customized IP training, and to build the capacity and skills of judges for adjudicating efficiently IP disputes.
The IP Training Program for Diplomats and Trade Officials has been developed to to equip participants with the necessary knowledge and skills to navigate the complex landscape of intellectual property (IP) in the context of international diplomacy and trade.
This Portfolio serves as a catalogue of all the training opportunities to be offered by the WIPO Academy and outlines the content of each course. It gives information to potential participants on eligibility criteria, application formalities, timelines, selection procedures, travel and other relevant necessary information.