World Intellectual Property Organization


Please provide the information requested using the form below.

  1. Please remember your email and password that you provided as they will be requested each time you want to use this service.
  2. Your [First Name], [Last Name], [Street address / PO Box], [Zip Code], [City], and [Country] may be used for physical mailing - please ensure that this information is accurate and spelled correctly.
  3. The connection to the registration server is via a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). All the information you submit will be encrypted when transmitted over the Internet. The information provided will be stored and safeguarded.
  4. Your password: must be 6 to 20 characters long. contain at least one lower case letter. contain at least one upper case letter. contain at least one digit or one of the following characters: !@#$%^&*.()_
Please provide your details
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