Create WIPO Account

All fields marked with * are mandatory.

User information

  • The WIPO Account is personal and NOT generic. Please provide your own personal details.
    No Company/Organization applicable


  • Please indicate an individual e-mail address below. The same e-mail address cannot be used with another WIPO Account.

Recovery e-mail (optional)

  • It is recommended to add a recovery e-mail address in case you need to recover your Username or password and can no longer access the e-mail address of your WIPO Account. The recovery e-mail must be an individual e-mail address and cannot be used with another WIPO Account.
    Please check that the recovery e-mail is indicated correctly.


  • Show password
    A valid password must meet all of the following conditions:
    • password must contain at least 1 numerical character
    • password must be at least 8 characters long

    Type the characters displayed below.
    Show a new code
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