IP for Teacher Course

The IP4Teachers program kick-starts teachers and educators on their IP education journey by cultivating dialogue among educators, curricula setters and IP offices.

Teachers, facilitators, educators and curricula setters can enroll to access the curricula, methodology, and teaching content provided by the WIPO Academy. It is designed for individuals already playing a role in schools, training institutions, IP offices, ministries of education, teachers associations, regional and international educational bodies.

What will I learn?

Teachers and educators will learn that teaching IP can be fun with the help of learn-as-you-play scenarios and interactive lessons, focusing on their students' creative talents, inventive abilities and entrepreneurial spirits.

Click here for more information.

Seminars (upon request):

  • The IP Impact Certificate Course (IPCC)
  • IP4Teachers Regional and National seminars
WIPO Academy IP4Teachers Curricula:
  • Phase 1: DL001, DL101 (online courses)
  • Phase 2: Pedagogy, Innovation, creativity, entrepreneurship, and IP
  • Phase 3: Certification - lesson plan development

Why should I join?

The IP4Teachers offers

  • Interactive, practical and experiential distance learning and training methodologies on IP, creativity and inventiveness
  • Customizable teaching content and a guide for teachers and educators such as interactive content on teaching creativity, inventiveness and fostering entrepreneurial spirits through IP systems i.e. Copyright, Patents and Trademarks
  • Hands-on and unique opportunity for teachers and educators to participate in virtual or face-to-face seminars dedicated to developing IP curricula, and strategic plans to address policy challenges
  • Competency-acquisition in either developing new lesson plans, customizing the WIPO Academy IP4Youth content, or creating a draft business case.

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If you are already registered, access the program in a customized virtual learning environment (VLE)

Access the Course

WIPO Academy aims to profile teachers and educators who have been active and exemplary at the national or regional level in promoting creativity, inventiveness, and entrepreneurial spirit among their students through IP education.

We hope to promote selected teachers and educators from all over the world, and to share their story to inspire others in their field.

We invite you to nominate a teacher or educator from your country for their exemplary and inspirational record in promoting creativity, inventiveness and entrepreneurship among students through IP education. Nominations can be received from national IP offices only. For more information, contact us here.

What our participants say

As more teachers learn to appreciate the fundamentals of intellectual property they are able also to meaningfully diversify their lesson plans, bring youth closer to their creative and inventive potential, and contribute to shaping relevant educational curricula. Many are already exploring how best to prepare youth for wider opportunities beyond employment to business enterprise. They actively encourage creative students and their mentors to showcase inventions at science fairs and competitions.

What I learned during the four days of the seminar was very useful as I now have new knowledge and educational material that I would like to share with others in my country for the purpose of finding the best way to implement a national IP curriculum in schools.

I would also like to highlight that the alternation of lectures and workshops, combining individuals from different nationalities, throughout the seminar was very enjoyable and enriching. Thanks to this seminar, I will take this information back to DINAPI to see how to develop strategies with the Ministry of Education on implementing IP education in my country. Listening to the experiences of teachers in my region was very useful as well.

Fernando Garcete Chief Compliance Officer, National Directorate of IP, Paraguay

I really enjoyed this IPCC training. It was interactive, informative and creative in its demonstration.

For the first time, IP education has the perspective of enabling creativity and innovation. Such a training is timely in providing a tool to drive sustainable development and sustainable IP education.

Winne Berry Deputy Chief Education Officer, Ministry of Education, Jamaica

After having participated in the seminar, I am convinced that it is necessary to develop IP education in schools beyond its existing scope in order to connect it to creativity and innovation. This would help us motivate our very creative and diversely talented students to value their creativity through IP and continue to passionately produce creative and innovative outputs for society.

As our National Curriculum of Basic Education aims to develop critical and creative thinking and is based on transversal approaches such as rights, the orientation to the common good or the pursuit of excellence in taking on an active citizen role in regards to IP is also a very important when teaching the young.

Tania Milenka Cárdenas Troncoso Peruvian school teacher

I love my profession and I want to continue inspiring students to tap into their creativity because they are the light of our society. My dream is to promote the importance of IP because it is a new paradigm for human development that the nation needs for socio-economic growth.

Elena Roxana Vișan Social Sciences Teacher, Queen Marie National Pedagogical College, Romania

I realized that taking notes and memorization were not as effective as teaching methods that encourage students to use their creativity. I hope to see a greater focus on IP at every level of the education system in the near future. And I will always make sure to impart my knowledge of IP rights to my students, children and friends.

Nisa Suepaul Curriculum Officer, Lakshmi Girls’ Hindu College, Trinidad and Tobago

The National Seminar in Bucharest exceeded my expectations mainly because of the pedagogical insight on intellectual property. The seminar was an eye-opening experience due to the connection between creativity and copyright. Generating original ideas and innovation comes with the need to understand the nature of your product and how it can benefit you and your community. Students see they have a choice and a right. Enhancing creativity creates protected value and prosperity.

Mădălina Arta Ionescu Romanian Schoolteacher

As a philosophy and history teacher I plan to introduce innovation with its strong link to an individual's economic and moral aspirations through intellectual property in my classes. Intellectual property helps society to evolve by remunerating innovation and creativity. I want to develop a lesson plan on IP and philosophy for my students, with a focus on Romanian civilization.

Gicu-Valentin Dogaru Romanian Schoolteacher

The information I had about intellectual property before this seminar was shallow, so it goes without saying that this seminar served me a lot. I learned that in addition to encouraging creativity and innovation in young people, we should also tell them about IP and important information about it, to better prepare them for the challenges they may encounter in life. We Albanians have an expression: "work done with heart" and the organization of this seminar, was an example of that. Very precise and beautiful.

Shpresa Gorana Albanian Schoolteacher

You learn a lot, not only about the topic of intellectual property (IP), but also how to apply it to yourself and your students, and particularly how to adapt it to the subject you teach in school. In addition, it teaches you about different interactive methods that can make a lesson on IP beautiful, understandable and above all desirable for students.

Vera Prendi Albanian Schoolteacher

My experience during the in-person seminar was a fruitful opportunity to explore the world of intellectual property (IP) and expand my view of this field. My expectations were high, but surprisingly these expectations were exceeded thanks to the valuable and diverse content of the seminar. I will apply what I learned in my classroom and teach creativity and IP in an attractive way to my students.

Wided Boudrigua STEM Teacher (Tunisia)

My view of intellectual property (IP) was previously limited to it being a domain for lawyers, but after participating in this seminar, I now understand the importance of IP in supporting creativity and innovation for everyone. Including creativity, innovation and IP education in schools should not be a luxury, because it is a catalyst for economic growth and development. Traditional education alone is insufficient for achieving a comprehensive renaissance of our future generations. I will work on including IP education in schools.

Sayed Sabry Sayed Othman Mathematics Teacher (Egypt)

The experiences and methodologies addressed during the training seminar delivered by the experts exceeded my expectations and gave me a fresh outlook on the ways I can modify my approach to teaching. I now know how to teach creativity and intellectual property in an engaging way.

Hanan Hosni Ahmed Abou Rashid Information Technology Teacher (Jordan)

My expectations prior to the workshop were to learn about the specifics of intellectual property (IP), but the experience exceeded that by far. Key points I gained include adopting out-of-the-box thinking, understanding the multiplicity of expressions in IP protection, and learning methods to develop creativity in the youth. The workshop contributed to my professional development by linking my activism and organization's productions to intellectual property. Practical elements I'll add to my club activities moving forward include choosing specific topics and linking them to IP while employing methods of innovation and creativity.

Ms. Zorgane Boudour Youth Club Facilitator, Tunisia

Initially, I assumed the workshop would be purely theoretical, with me merely receiving lessons and concepts. However, I was pleasantly surprised to find myself interacting, participating, and generating ideas with the group and trainers. I was mostly engaged through the gamified lessons. Following this workshop, I will try to provide young people with a general understanding of innovation, creativity, and intellectual property (IP) in my role as a club facilitator. Additionally, I will work on raising awareness among young creatives about the significance of IP and guiding them on how to protect and profit from their innovations and creativity.

Ms. Tounes Badri Youth Club Facilitator, Tunisia