Journey of the IP Educator

Teachers Training

The IP Impact Certificate Course (IPCC) and the IP4Teachers Regional and National seminar are thoughtfully designed to utilize a blended learning approach. This approach seamlessly integrates both online and face-to-face learning elements.

The WIPO Academy's comprehensive program is designed to empower and enrich schoolteachers through national seminars conducted in collaboration with intellectual property (IP) authorities. The overarching objective of these seminars is to seamlessly integrate key elements of creativity, innovation, and intellectual property education into the existing educational curricula.

During these seminars, a specialized curriculum is offered, providing teachers with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively convey complex IP concepts to the younger generation. The training places a particular emphasis on fostering creativity and innovation in teaching approaches, encouraging educators to incorporate dynamic and engaging methods within their classrooms. The program further highlights the importance of incorporating examples of national inventions, authors, and works into the educational narrative, creating a meaningful and relatable context for students.

The seminars offer a unique and collaborative environment, bringing together schoolteachers, IP experts, and high-level guests from relevant IP agencies. Through interactive sessions, group exercises, and specialized activities such as the theory of inventive problem solving (TRIZ), teachers not only enhance their understanding of IP but also gain practical experience in applying these concepts to classroom scenarios.

One of the distinctive features of this program is its commitment to providing teachers with tangible, immediate benefits. By the end of the seminars, each participating teacher develops a personalized and tailor-made lesson plan encompassing IP, inventiveness, and creativity. This ensures that the insights and skills acquired during the program can be seamlessly integrated into their classrooms, contributing to a more enriched and engaging learning experience for their students. Overall, the WIPO Academy's program serves as a holistic and impactful initiative, equipping teachers with the tools and knowledge needed to foster a culture of innovation and intellectual property awareness within the educational landscape.

Country Examples per Year

Tunisia: April 23 to 25, 2024

WIPO Academy, in collaboration with Tunisia's Ministry of Youth and Sports, has launched the TANIT project to educate Tunisian youth on intellectual property (IP). It aims to empower youth club facilitators and inspectors by integrating creativity, innovation, and IP into their activities. Participants explored key IP concepts, creative teaching methods, and gamification strategies. The initiative supports youth innovation hubs to foster entrepreneurship and job creation through the IP ecosystem.

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Egypt: March 3 to 5, 2024

A three-day seminar in Cairo, Egypt, organized by the WIPO Academy, the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, and the National IP Academy of Egypt, trained over 30 educators, mostly women, from six Arab countries on integrating intellectual property (IP) education into school curricula. Participants, who influence thousands of teachers and millions of students, learned to develop IP lesson plans and emphasize the role of IP in entrepreneurship. The seminar is part of the IP4Youth&Teachers program, blending online and in-person learning.

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Romania: October 31 to November 1, 2023

A national seminar for 59 secondary school teachers in the social sciences took place in Bucharest. The three-phase program customized for Romania offered an online general course (one month) on intellectual property, one in-person seminar introducing teachers to creative teaching tools and problem-solving methods, and a practical session applying the tools and knowledge imparted to students for a deep understanding of intellectual property in social studies. Examples were drawn from pertinent and relatable copyright cases in Romania. This country has a national IP education strategy that approves of integrating IP education as an optional curriculum in schools.

Albania: November 13 to 16, 2023:

The IP Impact Certificate Course (IPCC) was delivered through a four-day national seminar for teachers in Albania. It was organized in collaboration with the Albanian General Directorate of Intellectual Property (GDIP) and the Korean IP Office (KIPO). Thirteen primary and twenty-two secondary teachers were trained to teach Creativity and IP, which involved developing customized lesson plans for classroom teaching, and participation in a follow-up peer network.

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Japan: June 1 to 4, 2021 (Virtual)

The Intellectual Property Impact Certificate Course (IPCC) for Teachers was delivered in Tokyo as a regional workshop to promote IP education for Young People. Organized in collaboration with the WIPO Japan Office, the course combined WIPO Academys six-week online General Course on IP (DL-101), a final assignment, and a four-day seminar (held online due to COVID-19). The program offered expert pedagogical advice, skills, and curricula development activities relevant for youth. WIPO Academy’s educational resources were customized in the Japanese language to respond to national, cultural, and linguistic specificities.

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Korea: December 7 to 11 2020 (Virtual)

The WIPO Academy, alongside the Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO) and the Korea Invention Promotion Association (KIPA), conducted the first virtual IP4Youth&Teachers seminar. This event brought together 30 educators and curriculum developers from 12 countries, focusing on teaching creativity and intellectual property (IP) to foster innovation and entrepreneurship among students. The seminar included interactive lessons on creative teaching methods, the theory of inventive problem solving (TRIZ), and gamification techniques, culminating in a certification for participants.

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Oman: November 6 to 7 2019

This national workshop, which coincided with the Oman Science Festival, took place in Muscat in collaboration with the Ministry of Education of Oman. The 12-week blended learning, combined with online and face-to-face course delivery methods offered 28 teachers, curriculum developers, and education policymakers a customizable balance of theoretical and practical teaching methodologies.

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Slovak Republic: November 14 to 15 2019

This blended sub-regional conference organized in Banská Bystrica with the Slovakian Republic Institute of Education rolled out WIPO Academy’s IP4Youth&Teachers service in the Central European Baltic States (CEBS) in response to the high demand for IP knowledge among youth. As with all other training programs, best practices on teaching and promoting intellectual property knowledge at key formative stages were a focus.

Peru: December 3 to 6 2019

This sub-regional conference was a result of a continuing partnership with the Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO), the Korea Invention Promotion Association (KIPA), and the National Institute for the Defense of Competition and Protection of Intellectual Property of Peru (INDECOPI) to provide knowledge on “how to use” the IP system for innovation and creativity. It recognized how increasing access to information and communication technologies was generating even younger consumers of IP-based products than ever before.

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Georgia: June 20 and 21 2018

WIPO and SAKPATENTI co-hosted a two-day regional seminar on intellectual property (IP) education in Tbilisi, Georgia. Nearly 100 participants from 16 countries learned about IP teaching methods and best practices from renowned experts and valued the opportunities for networking and idea exchange.

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Zambia: November 27 to 30 2018

A four-day seminar was held in Lusaka, Zambia, co-organized by WIPO and various organizations. Through lectures, workshops, and case studies, educators from over 10 African countries gained knowledge on topics like IP for youth creators and practical teaching methods. The seminar also facilitated collaboration between IP offices and education officials, fostering an action plan for localized IP education across Africa.

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United Arab Emirates: December 5 to 7 2017

The WIPO Academy held a three-day seminar in Abu Dhabi to equip teachers from 27 developing countries with the tools to integrate intellectual property (IP) into their curriculum. Through workshops and lectures, educators explored various topics including teaching methods, copyright, and the role of IP in fostering creativity and innovation among youth. Participants praised the seminar for providing valuable resources and facilitating collaboration, highlighting its potential to empower young minds and contribute to economic and social development.

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